LRT – An Idea Already Tried and Abandoned in Peel

Lloyd Fournier : Lloyd is the founder of Thunderbird Rising (Thunderbird and the recent recipient of a Humanitarian Award, an author (novels) and a freelance writer. His drill down style of writing is a throw back to classic journalism - completely objective and well researched. His work presents the reader opportunity to rethink issues.

[It is Far from a New Idea]

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Winston Churchill said in the British Parliament in 1948 that, ““Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.  There is some controversy as to who came up with the thought first as some attribute it to Spanish philosopher, George Santayana in 1905.

None the less, some people are stubborn to kid themselves into believing historic events were simply bad luck or a fluke.  Las Vegas has thrived on that idea.

History seems to be a subject that is not well taught or well learned by alumni of the Peel school system who have entered adult world as the  millennium kids.  There is a dangerous naivety that travels with those that believe that history began on the day they arrived.

There is a small but quite vocal group of such people here in Peel who have made it their personal…

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Published by: lloydfournier

Lloyd is the founder of Thunderbird Rising (Thunderbird and the recent recipient of a Humanitarian Award, an author (novels) and a freelance writer. His drill down style of writing is a throw back to classic journalism - completely objective and well researched. His work presents the reader opportunity to rethink issues.

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